There's no place like home…

Strong Future International

There's no place like home…
your SFI home page, that is! What's most important:
1. Staying on top of SFI news, program changes, and notices that could affect your bottom line?
2. Keeping careful track of your progress as an SFI business owner and of SFI's growth as a whole?
Maintaining contact with your SFI Affiliates?
Trick question! They're all vital to your success, though in different ways. After all, if you're serious about succeeding, you simply MUST have a commanding grasp on the latest information that could affect your business. But you also have to be well-informed about the overall and day-to-day performance of your business, be accessible to accurately answer questions from your SFI Affilaites, and provide timely help to your customers.
Fortunately, these and other timely tasks don't have to be nearly as time consuming as they may sound.
Your Affiliate Center home page provides you with a wealth of information about the latest SFI news, notices, and statistics; your own to-do list, daily business tips, streaming posts from you and your team members, and a2a access to other affiliates; and much more! It's truly your one-stop SFI business summary. Consequently, checking the information within these tabs should be at the TOP of your list of daily business tasks. What's more, you'll earn 9 VersaPoints (VP) every day you check your home page tabs (accumulated for last 90 days). Titles of tabs you've visited for the day will appear in blue; those you have yet to visit will appear in red.
Following is a brief summary of what you'll find within each of the tabs in the order they
Your SFI Alerts tab

Think of your Alerts page as your very own "front page" of your daily business newspaper, listing the headlines, brief snippets, and notices that you'll want to know about and to give attention for the day.

Personalized for you, your Alerts page appears as the default tab on your home page after you log into the Affiliate Center (you can also access this tab from your My Account index page) and includes:

Your To-Do List Tab

Here, you'll find an easy-to-follow list of actions designed to help you build a successful SFI business. In addition to daily, weekly, and monthly actions for growing your business, there are also sections listing specific actions to promote Team Leadership and increase TC sales. You'll also see one-time actions listed, which disappear from this list as you complete them. Each action you complete earns you VersaPoints (shown in the left column on the list). The more points you earn, the higher your SFI commissions can go!

Your Tips Tab

Stop here daily for your SFI Tip of the Day, an Affiliate Tip of the Day, a cool motivational Quote of the Day, and an informative Did You Know section outlining important aspects about SFI that you'll want to keep in the forefront of your mind as you grow your business.

Your Stream Tab

We simply cannot stress enough the role effective communication plays in your business success! In fact, it's SO important, we've devoted this special home page tab entirely to instant posts to and from your team (up to 12 levels in your downline) and a2a friends. This is a GREAT way to pass along your own news items, alerts, notes of encouragement, and other important information. You can also view and reply to posts from SFI corporate and your favorite TripleClicks E-Commerce Affiliates (ECAs) from this tab.

To send new messages to some or all of your team members and a2a friends, just type your message (up to 340 characters) into the field at the top, select the group you wish to send the post to, and click Submit. Your recipients will see your instant post within their own Stream tabs. To reply to comments posted by others, simply click the "Leave a Comment" link below the replies, enter your message (200 characters max.) and click Post Comment.

Your TripleClicks Tab

As it's name suggests, this tab is all about what's going on at As you learned in Hello, TripleClicks!, your SFI Affiliateship automatically includes a TC membership. You also learned that TripleClicks is your instrument for generating Internet income. Of course, as an SFI business owner and team leader, you'll want to keep a close eye on what's going on at TC by checking out the information on this tab every day, including:

· The Deal of the Day

· Upcoming Pricebenders Auctions

· Current TripleClicks product total

· Current ECA total

Your SFI Scoreboard Tab

This is your spot for tracking and comparing your own progress with other SFI Affiliates, as well as viewing important SFI statistics as a whole. Think of your SFI Scoreboard Tab as your day's "market summary"—a glimpse of the bigger picture as it relates to your own SFI business.

The top section presents a nice outline of your current VersaPoint statistics, including VP you've earned to date, VP you've earned so far this month, your Team Leader qualifying VP and the points you need to advance to the next rank, your current placement on the month's VP Leaderboard, and whether you've qualified for today's Daily Grand contest.

Below that, your Power Rank section lets you mark your progress, compared with other SFI Affiliates. You'll see your Overall Power Rank status, as well as your Class Rank (how you rank among Affiliates who joined SFI the same day you did).

In the sections that follow, you can view your Sponsor Rating for the month, your current E365 status, and your Country Rank (how you rank among affiliates in your country).

Your a2a Tab

This is the control center for SFI's a2a program, which allows you to network with your peers in SFI. You'll learn all about using a2a soon in a coming LaunchPad lesson. For now, just know that a2a is flexible tool you can use to identify SFI Affiliates in your area; search affiliates by gender, age, join date, common goals, and more; share tips and ideas; discuss SFI news; form local SFI support groups; and A LOT more!

Your Movers Tab

A valuable resource for all SFI leaders, the Movers Tab is where you discover and keep tabs on your team's movers and shakers. Each "mover" listing includes the affiliate's name, SFI ID, rank, this month's VP amount, VP needed for rank advancement, Power Rankings, join date, last Affiliate Center login date, and contact information. You can also contact each affiliate by SFI TeamMail, via SFIM (SFI's online chat program), or through regular e-mail by clicking the appropriate icon within each listing.

The affiliates listed here will be your most active, and are extremely valuable to the success of your team. Review this list every day and make sure you're following up with and supporting each of these persons. Sorts let you narrow your list based on your newest movers or those who are online now. This type of communication and team building is how you create the DUPLICATION, the most important factor in creating wealth with SFI!

Your Growth Tab

Whereas your Scoreboard is concerned mainly with your progress as compared to other affiliates, this tab presents information on SFI growth in general—and WOW are we ever growing! As an SFI Affiliate, you get to share in and profit from that growth, so you'll naturally want to be checking this tab each day for the latest stats, including:

· Enrollment totals for today, yesterday and month to date

· Yesterday's top enrollers (their names, locations, and enrollment totals)

A summary of TripleClicks statistics (member, product, and ECA totals; number of countries w/members and ECAs)

But that's not all! To the left side of this page, you can view SFI's newest E365 Champion and ranking members, from our latest Fast Tracker to the most recent Platinum Team Leader. Click the affiliate name to view his/her Affiliate Snapshot; select the More link within each listing to view all the ranking members from newest to oldest.

Finally, at the bottom of this tab, you can see a running list of today's enrollments (both SFI Affiliates & TC Members), including SFI and Member IDs, names, location, join time, sponsor/referrer, and co-sponsor. You can sort this list from newest to oldest or vice versa, as well as by country. This last sort option is a nice way to identify new affiliates/members in your area. Just click the new affiliate/member name to view his/her Affiliate Snapshot.

The data found in the Growth Tab alone could make for some compelling content in your own newsletters or announcements to your personally sponsored affiliates. Quoting real, concrete figures about the popularity of SFI and its growing numbers, the newest leaders, incoming affiliate locations, and more can increase the "wow factor" in your communications and fire up your team!

Your Goals Tab

Every successful person needs goals, you can review the goals listed on your Affiliate Profile (which we will discuss in more detail in Your Profile, Please ).

Your Win-It! Tab

Life can't be ALL work and no play—after all, pursuing your dreams should also be FUN! That's where your Win-It! Tab featuring SFI's DAILY GRAND contest comes in (contest info and rules). This exclusive daily drawing for SFI affiliates awards 100 lucky affiliates a share of $1,000 or more in prizes each and every day! Entering the contest is easy: simply visit the Win-It! tab and click the "Enter Today's Drawing" button to submit up to 4 entries for that day's contest:

· You'll earn one entry for producing at least 10 VP during the previous day.

· You'll earn a second entry for producing at least 20 VP during the previous day.

· You can earn two additional entries each day for maintaining a minimum 1,500 VP Standing Order.

Your Ask SC Tab

Short for "Ask the SFI Community," Ask SC taps into the wealth of knowledge of SFI's tens of thousands of affiliates. It's a great place to check for common affiliate questions and the best answers, as voted by you and your fellow SFI Affiliates. You can submit your own questions and answers from here, vote for the best answers, and even earn unlimited VersaPoints for top answers! In this way, the SFI Community will continue to build a powerful database where new and experienced Affiliates the world over can easily find the most pertinent, informative, and helpful answers to common (and not-so-common) questions.

You can sort through questions within several categories (a2a, Getting Started, VersaPoints, etc.) and by newest, most recent answers added, questions open for voting (voting period for each new answer is 10 days), questions you've voted for or haven't voted for, questions with the fewest or most answers, and questions with the most votes. To vote, just click a question and select either the thumbs up or thumbs down icon. To submit an answer to a question, select that question, enter your answer in the text field to the right of the page, and click Submit Query.

WHEW! That's a lot of information to take in! But like we said earlier, your SFI home page is your one-stop, go-to page for your daily SFI "business summary." And having a list, keeping track of your progress, and pacing yourself is a time-tested method of tipping the scales for business success in YOUR favor. After all, knowledge is power!

What's more...the information found within the tabs of your SFI home page provides a veritable smorgasbord of GREAT information you can use in your marketing efforts to get the word out about SFI and TripleClicks.

For example, how cool would it be to be able to tell potential affiliates they could join a growing business that welcomed more than 20,000 new sign-ups last month alone?...Or that your customers can choose from 50,000 (and growing) products at your store? You could use your VP and Power Rank data to chart your progress in newsletters to your downline, spurring their interest in growing their own businesses. And if you should notice one of your team members listed in one of the boxes or lists, that's your opportunity to reach out with a hearty congratulations and encouragement! And the more you build trust and community, the more successful your team—and your business—will be!

The whole picture

As a whole, your SFI home page provides you with the information you need to know about where your SFI business is, where it fits within SFI, and where it's going. Plus, you'll earn a total of 9 VP each day you stop by and check your tabs! If you have signup!

Make it a habit, starting today:

Alerts      To-Do List      Tips       Stream     TripleClicks       Scoreboard       a2a        Movers         Growth       Goals       Win-It!         Ask SC
Stay on track! Achieve your dreams!     See SFI* -Overnight success...NOT!...........

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