
Strong Future International


Here we want to go over one of SFI's coolest little marketing tools...E-CARDS.
SFI's E-Cards are:
- 100% FREE!
- Simple and easy to use!
- Great marketing tools that can get you immediate results!

Basically, E-Cards is a program for sending full-color digital postcards to friends and family. There are many designs to choose from. There are cards promoting the SFI business opportunity and there are cards promoting various SFI products.
After choosing a design, you can then add your own personal message. It will also automatically insert a link to the appropriate SFI Gateway Website (so that you are credited with the referral). Click send, and your postcard is sent!
By the way, if you're not sure what would be effective for your personal message...we have provided sample messages from which you can get ideas or simply copy into your E-Card.
Using E-Cards also means that SFI will do the "heavy lifting" (the selling) for you. There's no need to know every little detail about SFI or the product you're letting your recipients know about. Simply choose a card, add a short friendly little message, and send it. The full-color card and the Gateway URL included with it can take it from there!
Now, we realize that many people shy away from promoting SFI to their friends and family. Some people are simply uncomfortable presenting a business opportunity to a friend or family member. Others may not know what to say...or fear being rejected.
But here's how you need to look at it: If you found a gold mine that contained more gold than you could ever use yourself, who would you tell about it? We're betting that it would be your closest friends and family members. Same thing with SFI. SFI is just like that goldmine, and possibly with even greater potential.
Not only that but we also specifically designed E-Cards with "just the right touch" for friends and family.
For starters, we've "kept it light." That is, the cards that promote the SFI business opportunity are very friendly and/or use a bit of humor. And if you'd rather not promote the business opportunity at all, we've got you covered there, too, with a variety of cards that focus totally on products.
Here's another cool component of E-Cards: When there is an exciting new development in SFI, we'll make a new E-Card available. And each time you can send out a new round of friendly little announcement cards to your list. No need to twist arms or get in anyone's face with "high pressure." You're simply letting them know about the latest development pertaining to your business with a brief and friendly electronic postcard.
And always remember, a huge component of successful prospecting is TIMING. For example, maybe the SFI business opportunity isn't right for your friend or family member today, but people's lives are constantly changing. In three months, or six months, or a year, they may be more than open to hearing about the opportunity—especially if you've sent them an E-Card several months in a row, which has quietly provided evidence that SFI is a real opportunity. See also GIFT CARDS
Just grab the e-mail addresses of your friends and family and start sending out E-Cards. It's simple. It's easy. It's free. And ANYONE can do it! If are an SFI affiliate. You can start sending out E-Cards now at:

Please note that E-Cards may be sent ONLY to friends and family members. To prevent abuse, there is also a limit of 10 E-Cards that can be sent per day.
Read also next* - Reach For The Sky!

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